Monday, September 2, 2019

The help and power of real love from God and our higher power/higher self allows us to live in and from a place of infinite compassion for ourselves and others no matter what the situation or circumstances. My relationship experiences over the past decade and even the past several years have resulted in marriage, separation, divorce, and re-marriage. I have no regrets because I've grown and learned what true love means, how to love myself and others better, and also how to set healthy boundaries. In fact, my biggest lessons have been about forgiveness that has been applied not only to others but especially myself. Ultimately, I've been able to overcome and bounce back stronger after the challenges I've faced throughout my life because of forgiveness!
You can never be free of hurt, resentment, or bitterness as long as you continue to think unforgiving thoughts towards those that have treated you differently than you expected, or wanted. It is just not possible to be happy in this moment, right now, if/when you continue to choose to hold onto anger, guilt, or shame. None of those thoughts or feelings can create peace, joy, or anything close to happiness. No matter how justified we may feel we are, and no matter what “they” did, if we insist on holding on to the "bad" thoughts, feelings and experiences from the past, then we can and will never be free to move forward today and into the blessings we have in store for us just waiting for us to take ahold to. Forgiving yourself and others will release you from the prison and/or chains of bondage keeping us held in past negativity.
When someone’s behavior isn’t as we expect and is coming from a place of hurt or anger, then we must try to understand that it is only a call for love. Some just don’t know how to get the love they want or need, but we can learn how to love ourselves and in turn, show others love that they may not know nor understand themselves. Many people are accustomed to reacting and/or retaliating to people or situations with feelings and/or thoughts of regret, sadness, hurt, fear, guilt, blame, anger, resentment, or sometimes even revenge. Each one of these only comes from a place of unforgiveness, which really is a choice and refusal to let go and come into the present moment. Only in the present moment can we create our future. Holding on to past mistakes, disappointments, and/or discouraging moments don't allow us to be and live in the present. It’s only in this “now” moment that our thoughts and words can be useful and powerful to bring peace and happiness today. Today, make a conscious choice of forgiveness rather than reacting with negativity to the negative people, places and things that are still stuck in the past.
Understand that there’s a difference between forgiveness and acceptance. True forgiveness lies in setting yourself free from the pain and the past and releasing yourself from the negative energy that you’ve chosen to hold on to about the past. Forgiveness doesn’t mean allowing the painful behaviors or actions of others to continue either. Forgiveness in my relationships has meant letting go by forgiving that person and releasing them. Standing firm in love for myself, then setting healthy boundaries on what I expect based on my example of how I treat myself. This alone has been the most loving thing that you can do for yourself, and for others around you! When someone doesn't treat you the way you deserve or expect, then you're giving that person mixed signals indicating that you accept being treated that way. Do yourself a favor by choosing to be forgiving of what happened in the past; letting it go; and then moving on to create and experience the joyous, fulfilling life of happiness that was meant for us all to have.
My favorite Hay House author, Dr. Wayne Dyer, published a blog before he passed away in August 2015 about the process of forgiveness:How To Forgive Someone Who Has Hurt You: In 15 Steps
© Infinite Love and Gratitude  The underlying claim to copyright ownership in this published work is reserved for Barre Morris II.

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